[Proposal Idea] Validators! call set Inflation down

temperature check to change inflation from 8 to whatever

Casper is over paying stakers substantially for their services. Months of high inflation in the bear market have barely budged the staking rate.

Reducing the staking rate should be a boost to LSM adoption and will hopefully drive more users



What do you mean by “LSM adoption”?

IMO this proposal lacks essential information and reasoning. Since you’re stating “overpaying” I conclude you want to lower the inflation rate to below 8% as it is right now?

The inflation rate does not only affect stakers but also node operators since the delegation rate takes a percentage of the rewards of the stakers. Smaller nodes are suffering already or stopped operations because of this. Bigger nodes and/or stakers could have the resources and maybe needs to cover expenses or just take other better opportunities and move as well.

So setting the inflation rate eg. from 8% to 4% (50%) would also cut rewards for everyone by 50% making the chain even less attractive because I think at the current state this is harming the chain even more. From what I read over the time only a few people complained about the inflation rate being too high, nobody took the time and effort to think this through and write a proposal with reasons why this should be better and for whom.

This project IMO has many (MANY!!!) other issues which also have a much bigger impact and focus should go there unless someone can really give valid reasons why a lowered inflation rate will fix existing issues.

So with my current knowledge and information I have: No → focus on more urgent issues.


in this case probabbly best move would be CA to stop staked to bbig. validators and start redelegating to small validators like me. lol

btw never ever been i do a forum like this one 114 viewers and not a single discussion apart from you lol